November 19th ‘Escape From Suburbia’
This post published on October 15, 2008
OPEN CINEMA’s 6th season of thought-provoking films got off to a great start on October 8th!
Escape From Suburbia
7pm Wednesday 19th November 2008
Victoria Event Centre, 1415 Broad Street
Doors open at 5.30pm
Cash bar, Fair-trade snacks, VBN market, Door prizes, more!
$10 donation at the door
Event sponsored by
Values-Based Business Network
Escape From Suburbia: Beyond the American Dream
Suburbia, and all its promises, has become a lifestyle predicated
on the dwindling availability of cheap and abundant oil.
In Escape from Suburbia, Canadian director Gregory Greene (The End
of Suburbia, 2004) introduces three engaging characters and a small town
who move us from the realm of theory to the real world where an
emerging movement of citizen groups is confronting
our addiction to oil with vision and courage.
This film is a wake-up call that challenges the illusion of never-ending
growth and examines alternatives for a more sustainable society in the
21st century and beyond.
(Canada, 2007)
Post-Screening Discussion
Guy Dauncey
Environmentalist & Author
Deb Morse
Organic Islands Festival
Roberta Martell
Fernwood NRG
Emilie Adin
Deputy Director of Planning, City of Langford
Moderated by Angela Evans
Sustainability Facilitator for Vancouver Island, Fraser Basin Council Smart Planning for Communities Initiative
Great! Where is the screening?
Ah, I see by clicking on the poster: Victoria Event Centre. You should put the location in the website text, too.