Season Five Highlights

This post published on September 19, 2007

In addition to our regular café screenings & discussions at Hermann’s Jazz Club (with full bar/restaurant menu), don’t miss our Docs & Talks: Spotlight on BC Women Filmmakers series starting in November — offering free intergenerational screenings for youth and senior audiences, with filmmaker in attendance. In collaboration with The Power of Hope.


Crystal Fear, Crystal Clear
Directed by Eva Wunderman, Wunderman Film Inc., 2005
An eye-opening film about crystal meth, the drug of choice for teenagers.

Corporations in the Classroom (Nov 20th & 21st)
Directed by Jill Sharpe, Make Believe Media Productions, 2007

Breaking Ranks (Jan 29th and 30th 2008)
Directed by Michelle Mason, Produced by Screen Siren Pictures Inc, 2007
Examines the current phenomena of US soldiers seeking refuge in Canada

Saving Luna: The True Story of a Lone Orca
Directed by Suzanne Chisholm and Michael Parfit, Mountainside Films Inc, 2007

Art is a Mirror
Directed by Sherry Lepage, Moonbeam Productions, 2007
79-year-old artist Jeremie Giles pays tribute to 72 famous Canadian painters.

Please check back soon for dates and details!

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