OPEN CINEMA Season 12 Launches November 19: JUST EAT IT!
This post published on September 4, 2014
We’re very excited to announce our Season 12 launch in collaboration with Victoria’s Capital Regional District (CRD) and ReFUSE Resource Recovery!
We are grateful for ongoing support from the Canada Media Fund for Phase 2 of our Connect the Docs hybrid cinema series! And thanks to our newest sponsors the Canada Media Production Association and Creative BC!
On Wednesday November 19, 2014 we’ll screen Jen Rustemeyer and Grant Baldwin’s new film JUST EAT IT in 3 locations in the CRD and online followed by livestreamed post-screening discussion with some very special guests in our Victoria venue, and the filmmakers online via Twitter and Facebook.
To join us virtually click here.
In addition to our regular live documentary event at the Victoria Event Centre, we’re continuing to develop our Connect the Docs hybrid cinema format, with same-day screenings at Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney and ArtSpring on Saltspring Island, accompanied by social media engagement. It’s going to be an amazing day of community engagement about local issues related to food waste! Yep, we are literally and figuratively helping to Connect the Docs!
In an effort to make this a waste-free event, please bring your own mug (for Fernwood Coffee) and napkin (for The Joint pizza and Bubby Rose’s brownies).
PLEASE NOTE: We are selling advance tickets for the Victoria screening ($12.50), and there will be a limited number of tickets at the door ($15). Buy advance tickets for the Victoria screening here.
We all love food. As a society, we devour countless cooking shows, culinary magazines and foodie blogs. So how could we possibly be throwing nearly 50% of it in the trash?
Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge. After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good food that is tossed each year in North America, they pledge to quit grocery shopping cold turkey and survive only on foods that would otherwise be thrown away. In a nation where one in 10 people is food insecure, the images they capture of squandered groceries are both shocking and strangely compelling. But as Grant’s addictive personality turns full tilt towards food rescue, the ‘thrill of the find’ has unexpected consequences.
Featuring interviews with TED lecturer, author and activist Tristram Stuart and acclaimed author Jonathan Bloom, Just Eat It looks at our systemic obsession with expiry dates, perfect produce and portion sizes, and reveals the core of this seemingly insignificant issue that is having devastating consequences around the globe. Just Eat It brings farmers, retailers, inspiring organizations, and consumers to the table in a cinematic story that is equal parts education and delicious entertainment. More about the film here.
Victoria premiere in collaboration with the CRD and ReFUSE!
In 2010, the Capital Regional District approached OPEN CINEMA to collaborate on a screening and discussion of Jen and Grant’s first film THE CLEAN BIN PROJECT. We are thrilled to partner with the CRD again on this fabulous timely sequel.
We are thrilled to feature new event sponsor, the inspiring local business ReFUSE Resource Recovery. Since 2002, they’ve been leading the way to zero waste by providing the first full-service organics recycling in Victoria (and now the Cowichan Valley too) with collection from businesses including hotels, restaurants, grocers and institutions.
Please join us LIVE in one of THREE locations within the CRD to watch and discuss the film: Victoria, Sidney or SaltSpring Island (details below).
Or if you can’t make it in person, consider participating online from the comfort of your own home: watch the film on the Knowledge Network website (URL to come) and then watch the live-streamed post-screening discussions and engage via Twitter or Facebook. We welcome your donations for this online service.
Please consider signing up for our newsletter for periodic updates about OPEN CINEMA programming.
OPEN CINEMA SEASON 12 Connect the Docs continues in 2015 with more Canadian films! Please stay tuned for more details.
What is Connect the Docs? Read more about the first Connect the Docs pilot series here.
See you at the movies!
keep it up open cinema best of luck